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Cantagalo mine - Nova Era - Brazil

In this page we offer  some wonderful topas crystals,  that come from the famous emerald mine of Nova Era. Very lustrous, uncommon colour, they are the best ever seen of this gem mineral !
 01 - a little pale blue crystal on muscovite

 the sample 3x2 cm

 price : € 25,00 

   01bis - another pic of the previous sample 
    02 - a group of colourless crystals

 the group 4x4 cm

 price : € 45,00

   02bis - another pic of the previous sample 
    03 - a nice crystal, perfect everywhere!

 the crystal is     6x5x3cm

 price : € 110,00

 03bis -another pic of the previous crystal
 03ter - another pic of the previous crystal
 04 - fantastic, citrine crystal, very lustrous, perfect !

 the crystal is 9x5x3 cm

 price : € 280,00

 04bis - another pic of the previous sample
 04ter - another pic of the previous sample
 04quater - another pic of the previous sample
 05 - simply the best ! a great crystal all trasparent, gem quality

 the crystal is  7x5x4 cm

 price : € 300,00

 05bis - another pic of the previous sample
 05ter - another pic of the previous sample
 05quater - another pic of the previous sample