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Sapo mine - Conselheiro Pena - M.G. - Brasil

In this page we offer some wonderful items coming from a new occourence near Sapo mine : hureaulite, lithiophilite, rockbridgeite, jahnsite etc
   01 - hureaulite in good crystals

 dim e area 2x2 cm

 price : € 22,00


   02 - hureaulite and lithiophilite in a 2 cm vug

 dimension 7x5 cm

 price : € 35,00 

   03 -  a good orange crystal on leucophosphite with rockbridgeite

  vug of  1 cm

 dimension 35x30 mm

 price : € 45,00


   03b - a dark green tuft of beraunite on lithiophilite, in the previous sample
   04 - a 2,5 mm vug with hureaulite, rockbridgeite, jahnsite and lithiophilite


 dimension 6 x 5 cm

 price : € 48,00 

 04b - another pic of the same vug
 05 - a large sample showing hureaulite, lithiophilite, vivianite and fairfieldite

 dimension 8 x 6 cm

 price : € 56,00


 05b - a hureaulite crystal in the previous sample
 06 - a large vug (40x31 mm) showing rockbridgeite, lithiophilite and hureaulite

 dimension 7x4 cm

 price : € 86,00

 06b - pink, lustrous hureaulite crystals, in the previous sample
 07 - a wonderful leucophosphite crystal on pink hureaulite in a 40x30 mm vug

 dimension 50 x 41 mm

 price : € 90,00


 07b - another leucophosphite crystal in the previous sample
 07c - some very lustrous hureaulite crystals in the previous sample
 08 - some lustrous hureaulite crystals with lithiophilite on a 20x11 mm vug 

 dimension 45x40 mm

 price : € 65,00

 08b - a leucophosphite crystal , pink-orange, in the previous sample